The Hidden Costs of De-Condominiumizing

In a previous blog post, we discussed how a property’s condominium status can be terminated. We expect “de-condominiumizing” or terminating/dissolving condominium corporations to become a more common and attractive option for owners as buildings age and maintenance/repair costs increase. Real estate investors might also consider de-condominiumizing investment properties and conversion to rental apartment buildings. However, […] Read More
May 31, 2023

Cutting the Red Tape: New Condo Regulations coming to Alberta January 1, 2020

On November 26, 2019, the Alberta Government released the long-awaited, newly-revised amendments to the Condominium Property Regulation, and proclaimed that certain sections of the Condominium Property Amendment Act, SA 2014, c. C-10 will also come into force on January 1, 2020. The majority of the revisions in this phase of the amendments addresses governance issues, […] Read More
December 20, 2019

City Moves to License AirBnBs and Other Short-Term Rentals

The Urban Planning Committee voted on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, to recommend the adoption of a new Business Licence Bylaw, in an effort to begin regulating short-term rental accommodations in the City of Edmonton. Often described simply as “short-term rentals”, these accommodations are typically transacted between “hosts” or “operators” and prospective guests, through online platforms […] Read More
August 28, 2019

Cutting the Red Tape? New Condo Regulations are on Hold for Further Review

On July 1, 2019, the Government of Alberta announced that the revised Regulations and amendments to the Condominium Property Act that were scheduled to come into force that day have been placed on hold until January 1, 2020. In a recent statement, Nate Glubish, Minister of Service of Alberta, stated that the delay was necessary […] Read More
July 24, 2019

Edible Cannabis: What You Need to Know

With the Cannabis Act legalized most forms of recreational cannabis, many consumers and businesses alike may require further clarity on the limited scope of legalization and in particular the current prohibition on edible products containing cannabis. Edible cannabis is expected to be legalized in 2019 but questions remain about what regulations will apply to edible cannabis. […] Read More
November 29, 2018